Michelle Vossen


Apart from one-off workshops (see the workshops page), I’m involved in various educational programmes where I share my expertise on textiles, fashion design, electronics and digital fabrication.


I’m a local Fabricademy instructor in digital fabrication and electronics at the TextileLab Amsterdam. I teach e-textiles, wearables, skin electronics as well as various fablab related topics like 3D printing and laser cutting.

About the Fabricademy

“Fabricademy, Textile and Technology academy is a multidisciplinary 6-month intensive program at the intersection of digital fabrication, textiles and biology. The program explores the interrelation of human-technology-environment through the notions of embodiment, materiality, ecodesign, biodesign, performance, smart textiles and digital fabrication. Our mission is to (re)shape and (re)define the implications and applications of technology in the textile and clothing industry, from the fashion sector to the upcoming wearable market. The program offers a broad overview of the state of the art of the current industry and builds on “learning by doing” methodologies, tackling themes like personal fabrication, distributed manufacturing, industry 4.0, wearable technology, biofabrication, assistive technologies and sustainability.” (via https://textile-academy.org/about/)


Starting in January 2024, I will be one of the local instructors at the Fabacademy at Fablab Amsterdam.

About the Fabacademy

“Fab Academy is an intensive five-month program that teaches students to envision, design and prototype projects using digital fabrication tools and machines. It is a multi-disciplinary and hands-on learning experience that empowers students to learn-by-doing and inspires them to make stuff locally to become active participants in sustainable cities and communities.

At the Fab Academy, you will learn how to envision, prototype and document your ideas through many hours of hands-on experience with digital fabrication tools. We take a variety of code formats and turn them into physical objects. The Fab Diploma is the result of the sum of Fab Academy Certificates. Progress towards the diploma is evaluated by a student’s acquired skills rather than time or credits.

The Fab Academy is a fast paced, hands-on learning experience where students plan and execute a new project each week! Each individual documents their progress for each project, resulting in a personal portfolio of technical accomplishments.” (via https://fabacademy.org/)

HKU Textile workshop

From 2020 to 2023 I co-ran the textile workshop (or Texspace) at the Utrecht University of the Arts. Apart from guiding students in their projects relating to textile construction techniques and digital fashion design, I gave various classes (called Designlabs) in collaboration with Manon Egging, Leon Blok and Wieteke van Riet. These were Wild Things (an introduction into every textile technique we had to offer and combining them all to stimulate experimental material-led research) and Tailor 3.0 (going from pattern drafting in Adobe Illustrator to digital fashion design in CLO3D to physical execution of a design in three weeks).

About the Texspace

“In Texspace, we like to combine craftsmanship with new technologies. You can edit your screen printing on the computer, for example. If you then print the patterns for the object you want to make, you can really come and produce your design in the workspace.

This workspace at location IBB-laan is divided in two parts. In the print area you can print and/or dye your material. In the construction area you can make combinations of textiles and other flexible materials.” (via https://www.hku.nl/en/study-at-hku/workspaces-and-facilities/texspace)